IPA: fˈɪɫieɪt
- (transitive, archaic) To adopt as son or daughter.
- (transitive, archaic) To establish filiation between (see "filiation" for the many senses).
Examples of "filiate" in Sentences
- ( "G. Barbosa") to an af - filiate of ACON Investments, a US-based investment firm.
- Robbins Umeda LLP A.nounces an Investigation of the A.quisition of PLA.O Learning, Inc. by an A.filiate of Thoma Bravo, LLC Levi
- UNIDENTIFIED FEMA.E: A.filiate CTV reports an A. Jenkins has a car similar to the one reportedly seen at the motel when Jenkins checked in.
- Jtioned hunt j but when Metcalf accompa - nied the gentlemen from the Coney - Garths to the village of Scrivcn, be there heard, on the authority of the landlord of the inn, that a woman bad gone that day to filiate a child to him.
- But I return from this digression on the peril of idolatry, to which as well the theory as the practice of {244} the Roman Catholic Church exposes her members; and willingly repeat my disclaimer of any wish or intention whatever to fasten and filiate upon the Church of Rome the doctrines or the practice of individuals, or even of different sections of her communion.
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