IPA: fˈiɫɪsaɪd
- The killing of one's own child.
- A person who kills his or her own child.
Examples of "filicide" in Sentences
- Befides y to murder one's own reputation, is a kind of filicide,
- REID: No, it wasn't this kind of filicide or mother killing her children.
- And there ` s something called filicide which discusses a parent killing a child.
- When a parent also takes his or her own life, the phenomenon is called filicide-suicide.
- But mothers, too, commit "filicide" for all kinds of motives dark and strange or sometimes banal.
- And in fact, there are statistics that show about 200 mothers engage in this filicide which is what we call murdering of the child.
- At times, these internal or external stimuli affecting an animal's instinctive impulses result in cases of animal "filicide," "cannibalism" and "homosexuality."