IPA: fˈɪɫm
- A thin layer of some substance; a pellicle; a membranous covering, causing opacity.
- (photography) A medium used to capture images in a camera.
- (uncountable) A visual art form that consists of a sequence of still images preserved on a recording medium to give the illusion of motion; movies generally.
- (countable) The sequence of still images itself; a movie.
- A slender thread, such as that of a cobweb.
- (transitive, intransitive) To record (activity, or a motion picture) on photographic film.
- (transitive, intransitive) To visually record (activity, or a motion picture) in general, with or without sound.
- (transitive) To cover or become covered with a thin skin or pellicle.
Examples of "film" in Sentences
- As a film maker, it is important to me to have * the film* seen by the public, especially in Indonesia * as one of my main targeted audiences*, "he said.
- Your remarks on the vogue for the term film noir seem to imply that it was casually created by a bunch of movie critics operating in their pretentious twit mode.
- Still like his film score for Jim Jarmusch's _film _Dead Man_ best, and the Wire work after that, but a music concert film so well-filmed I kept wanting to applaud with the crowd after every song.
- OK, perhaps its a bit cruel to suggest that Disney's first 3D computer animated film under the management of John Pixar Lasseter is a calculated smoothie of every Pixar film* squeezed through a Disney anodyne making machine.
- “Some people connect the term film noir,” writes Kenneth Turan, film critic for the Los Angeles Times, “to the famous yellow-and-black Série Noire series of translations of American writers like Chandler and Hammett published by Gallimard.”
- Apart from being the first instance in 24 years of a work by Philip K. Dick being adapted into something other than an action film, A Scanner Darkly is probably best known for utilizing a rotoscoping animating technique, in which animation is superimposed over live film**.