
IPA: fˈɪɫoʊvˈaɪrʌs


  • Any virus of the Filoviridae family.

Examples of "filovirus" in Sentences

  • So the huggable, squeezable, soft plush filovirus is right out?
  • The filovirus is nice, but personally, I've always preferred parasites.
  • "We need to identify it because once a filovirus hits humans, it can be deadly."
  • Yeah, okay, 'talk to the filovirus' doesn't have the same ring, I know... and I've really got to get off this microbe thing.
  • Studies to identify the reservoir of Marburg virus, a closely related filovirus are being conducted in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
  • Dot indicates significant viral outbreakEbola (filovirus) With a fatality rate of up to 90 percent, it killed hundreds in Zaire and western Sudan in 1976 and 1979.
  • Marburg (filovirus) Closely related to Ebola, this virus was identified in 1967 when 31 people were infected in West Germany and Yugoslavia by Ugandan green monkeys. 7 died.
  • Ebola and the Marburg virus are the two main categories of so-called filovirus which causes haemorrhagic fever (VHF), a disease dubbed a "slate-wiper" for its extreme lethality.
  • It suggests that these species, which maintain a filovirus infection without negative health consequences, could have selectively maintained these so-called "fossil" genes as a genetic defense.
  • Had the then-67-year-old Hoffman — who brought mainstream culture face to face with autism in Rain Man and went mano a mano with an Ebola-like filovirus in Outbreak — never quite broken character from his 1982 film Tootsie?

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