IPA: fˈaɪnʌɫi
- At the end or conclusion; ultimately.
- (sequence) To finish (with); lastly (in the present).
- (manner) Definitively, comprehensively.
Examples of "finally" in Sentences
- My name finally appeared at the top of the third page.
- The word finally reaches one of the advertising publications.
- The word finally came from London on the afternoon of November 29.
- When the end of the term finally arrived, Marks came to drive Teddy to the house at Hyannis Port.
- Interestingly enough, a full FOURTEEN issues into the current Wonder Woman relaunch, the title finally gets a reasonable start to the series this is not even meant as a shot at Heinberg or Picoult, they just were not given the opportunity to truly launch the title, as their runs were limited ones with Gail Simone joining the book as the regular title.
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