IPA: fˈaɪndɝ
- One who finds or discovers something.
- A device, such as a viewfinder, used to locate a target or other object of interest.
- A surname from German.
Examples of "finder" in Sentences
- A depth/fish finder is a big help on a new lake too!
- Advertisement; payment of cost; vesting of title in finder
- So, it seems to me that after that point the finder is well within his rights to transfer the device to a media company that is well versed in these things to further evaluate.
- Re: the file count ceiling of 10000 files … (comment #11 above), you can change the ceiling in the fuzzyfinder_textmate. vim file (line 39): ruby def finder; @finder | | = FuzzyFileFinder. new ( "." ,50000); end
- The phone finder is not so lucky — the law is well established in his case and it would take some extraordinary lawyering to convince a jury that he broke no law when he received $5,000 for a phone he found in a bar.
- Yes | No | Report from shawey90 wrote 12 weeks 5 days ago range finder is well worth the money ... i missed out on a nice 80pointer last week because i thought it was too far to shoot ... i had my cousin rang find it the next day and turns out it was only 35 yds away:/