
IPA: fˈɪŋgɝpoʊst


  • A board that shows the direction (and often distance) to a named place; especially one of several attached to a milepost
  • The milepost itself.

Examples of "fingerpost" in Sentences

  • We may here take for an instance of the fingerpost the following.
  • Thus at length we come to an instance of the fingerpost on this subject.
  • I think of the Tower of London like a tall fingerpost pointing up to God.
  • With regard to this, then, the following would be an instance of the fingerpost.
  • But they were all written with the same size lettering and there seemed to be a maximum permitted length for a fingerpost.
  • John sees, in that entirely insignificant thing, a kind of fingerpost pointing to far more important, deeper, and real correspondences.
  • The road dropped a little into Milford, and the thing shied, put down its head and bolted, and Mr. Hoopdriver only thought of the brake when the fingerpost was passed.
  • Therefore instances of the fingerpost on this question will (if any) be those which prove that reflection may take place from a rare body, as flame, provided it be of sufficient denseness.
  • I have dwelt on them at some length to the end that men may gradually learn and accustom themselves to judge of nature by instances of the fingerpost and experiments of light, and not by probable reasonings.

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