IPA: fʌnʌtɫi
- In a finite manner.
Examples of "finitely" in Sentences
- They make mistakes, and they're finitely human instead of being superheroes.
- "3-D works best in a very claustrophobic environment where you really feel finitely that the walls are only a few feet away," Cameron explains.
- But a key fact is that the roots are always countable — and, more importantly, there can only be finitely many roots in a given closed and bounded region.
- It feels a lot like a finitely repeated prisoner's dilemma: if everyone's going to fink in the end, then we can't do any better at the beginning but to fink.
- In any finite region of space, matter can only arrange itself in a finite number of configurations, just as a deck of cards can be arranged in only finitely many different orders.
- We observe our universe to be such, if current cosmological theory is right, as to have had a beginning finitely long ago, followed by an era in which no part of it could have sustained life.
- A theory T is defined to be decidable if there is an effective procedure of deciding whether any given sentence s belongs to T, (where an 'effective procedure' is generally defined to be a finitely-specifiable sequence of algorithmic steps).
- Similarly, there are economic theories predicting that firms will set price equal to average cost, that individuals will discount future payments at the rate of interest, and that no one will cooperate in a finitely-repeated Prisoners 'Dilemma game.
- An atheist could still try to deny the existence of the idea of God on the grounds that there are only finitely many natural laws, i.e. ideas, in the platonic world, but this can be refuted by using the Goedel theorem: A theory of everything should explain mathematics, and by Goedel´s theorem there is no closed mathematical system which contains the arithmetics.
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