IPA: fˈɪnʌtud
- The state or characteristic of being finite; limitedness.
Examples of "finitude" in Sentences
- According to Heidegger, finitude is the essence of being human.
- Living in full acknowledgement of our finitude is the key to being authentic or rather the key to authentic being.
- From a 42-year-old man who had felt invincible but now was coming to grips with finitude, limitation and mortality.
- This might be why many people have problems saying thank you, as thank you involves recognition of finitude, that one is limited -- that one cannot do it alone.
- But hoda'ah is also associated with recognition of finitude, with recognition of our natural human limitations which should impel us to declare ani modeh or ani modah -- I admit to my failings.
- Strenger interprets the quest for various forms of celebrity as a worldwide escapist flight from human finitude and the tragic dimension of human existence into mindless, inauthentic delusions of omnipotence.