
IPA: fˈaɪɝ


  • (uncountable) A (usually self-sustaining) chemical reaction involving the bonding of oxygen with carbon or other fuel, with the production of heat and the presence of flame or smouldering.
  • (countable) An instance of this chemical reaction, especially when intentionally created and maintained in a specific location to a useful end (such as a campfire or a hearth fire).
  • (countable) The occurrence, often accidental, of fire in a certain place, causing damage and danger.
  • (uncountable, alchemy, philosophy) The aforementioned chemical reaction of burning, considered one of the Classical elements or basic elements of alchemy.
  • (countable, Britain) A heater or stove used in place of a real fire (such as an electric fire).
  • (countable) The elements necessary to start a fire.
  • (uncountable) The bullets or other projectiles fired from a gun or other ranged weapon.
  • (countable) A planned bombardment by artillery or similar weapons, or the capability to deliver such.
  • (countable, figurative) A barrage, volley
  • (astronautics) An instance of firing one or more rocket engines.
  • Strength of passion, whether love or hate.
  • Liveliness of imagination or fancy; intellectual and moral enthusiasm.
  • Splendour; brilliancy; lustre; hence, a star.
  • A severe trial; anything inflaming or provoking.
  • Red coloration in a piece of opal.
  • (finance) Acronym of financial independence and early retirement.
  • (economics, business) Acronym of finance, insurance and real estate: a class of businesses. [The management of money and other assets.]
  • Acronym of Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (formerly Foundation for Individual Rights in Education): a non-profit civil liberties group founded in 1999 with the aim of protecting free speech rights on college campuses in the United States.


  • (transitive) To set (something, often a building) on fire.
  • (transitive) To heat as with fire, but without setting on fire, as ceramic, metal objects, etc.
  • (transitive) To drive away by setting a fire.
  • (transitive) To terminate the employment contract of (an employee), especially for cause (such as misconduct or poor performance).
  • (transitive, by extension) To terminate a contract with a client; to drop a client.
  • (transitive) To shoot (a gun, rocket/missile, or analogous device).
  • (intransitive) To shoot a gun, cannon, or similar weapon.
  • (astronautics) To operate a rocket engine to produce thrust.
  • (transitive, mining) To set off an explosive in a mine.
  • (transitive, sports) To shoot; to attempt to score a goal.
  • (intransitive, physiology) To cause an action potential in a cell.
  • (transitive) To forcibly direct (something).
  • (transitive, intransitive, computer sciences, software engineering) To initiate an event (by means of an event handler).
  • (transitive) To inflame; to irritate, as the passions.
  • (intransitive, dated) To be irritated or inflamed with passion.
  • To animate; to give life or spirit to.
  • To feed or serve the fire of.
  • (transitive) To light up as if by fire; to illuminate.
  • (transitive, farriery) To cauterize.
  • (intransitive, dated) To catch fire; to be kindled.


  • (slang) Amazing; excellent.

Examples of "fire" in Sentences

  • The fire itself is referred to as the ‘fire incident.'
  • Sioux cheti “to build a fire, ” chewati “I build a fire”; shuta “to miss, ” shuunta-pi “we miss.
  • The fire admits of easy regulation, the ashes may be removed and the fuel may be supplied without _checking the fire_.
  • A stranger might suppose the buildings on fire, but not a blaze is within, the object here, as in bacon-curing, being _smoke_, not _fire_.
  • It remains, then, that you be committed to the fire, which shall consume the light materials; for our God, to those who can comprehend heavenly things, is called a _consuming fire_.
  • For example, utter the words: "A house is my fire," and observe the comparative duration of time in the pronunciation of each word, the comparative stress, and the relative pitch (e.g. of _a_ and _fire_).
  • By morning the repair was accomplished, the leak was stopped, and in thirty hours the fire was again in the boiler; _and all the time the south wind blew so mildly that there was not the least need of a fire_.
  • If we find _agni_, meaning fire, in Sanskrit, and _ignis_, meaning fire, in Latin, we may safely conclude that _fire_ was known to the undivided Aryans, even if no trace of the same name of fire occurred anywhere else.
  • On her return, seeing her mistress on fire, she immediately gave an alarm; and some people coming to her assistance, one of them endeavored to extinguish the flames with his hands, _but they adhered to them as if they had been dipped in brandy or oil on fire_.
  • But, a final objection is raised, as on this view of the matter the elements -- earth, water and fire -- which are eaten and drunk, are already tripartite, each of them containing portions of all, and thus are of a threefold nature, how can they be designated each of them by a simple term -- _earth_, _water_, _fire_?

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