IPA: fˈaɪɝbrɪk
- a brick capable of withstanding high temperatures without deforming.
- (computer science) The X11 color name of RGB hexadecimal value #B22222.
Examples of "firebrick" in Sentences
- PS - loved the firebrick one daisybones on March 04, 2008
- I gave that up a couple years later when somebody slipped a firebrick in on me ...
- The top of my firebrick kiln AF-99 is always warm and just hanging out, wishing that it could be of use too.
- The technique uses factory-built fireplaces that are lined with standard firebrick and look like masonry fireplaces.
- Typically, firebrick has a more yellowish colour and is more ceramic in appearance with little or no porosity to the brick.
- NOAH ADAMS: A small white house, a work shed and sales room, stacks of firewood around, a 30-foot-long kiln made from firebrick - here is the potter.
- Right now, the power train stops at the big flywheel, but the engine is complete, and Yarrl has fired up the boiler at low temperatures several times to help temper the firebrick.
- Mushtaq made his knives using the lowest of low-tech methods in a traditional manner, hammering and forging the high-carbon tool steel by hand, using gas-fed firebrick ovens and open fires and anvils and suchlike that would have been at home back in the dawn of space flight, even before.