IPA: fˈaɪrstɔrm
- A fire whose intensity is greatly increased by inrushing winds.
- (figurative) An intense or violent altercation.
Examples of "firestorm" in Sentences
- The impact of this firestorm is not limited to her personally.
- McLellan's book and its subsequent firestorm is a bouncer's swift Size 13 in the back.
- At the same time, Cain showed some staying power in the face of what he termed a "firestorm."
- While I had no problem killing off Michael, describing what's left of Havenstone after the firestorm is hard for me.
- Without a doubt the most annoying aspect of this firestorm is the way that it validates a criticism that Atrios makes of the media all the time.
- A firestorm is whipping across the Canuck blogsphere today over the picture above and I am genuinely curious to know what our readers think the picture is of.
- In an effort to deal with what he called a "firestorm," Cameron announced a judicial inquiry last week into the media, its behavior, and its links with the police and politicians.