IPA: fˈaɪɝwʊd
- Wood intended to be burned, typically for heat.
Examples of "firewood" in Sentences
- In my area, firewood is easily available and I get logs delivered in bulk.
- He criticized increasing rate of firewood, which is selling at 300 rupees per mound.
- I would imagine that firewood is a bit hard to come by on the Texas border. jennifer rose
- Honestly, firewood is a lot cheaper if you buy it by the cord instead of the volume. sammieb51
- Chopping down a tree a day for firewood is better for the environment than a running air conditioner.
- Then I called the firewood people and ordered another tonne (or do we spell it "ton"?) of wood for saturday.
- In the morning they brought him a brass axe and said: "Our chief likes rocks for his fire; go and cut firewood from the rocks and bring it tied up in bundles."
- I find this interesting that Pete has seen so many scorpions and I have only seen two introduced, I believe, through the purchase of firewood from a local vendor.
- Oh, and I have seen only two scorpions since coming here two+years ago and they were both brought onto our property in firewood stored previously in a rural field.
- The air is chill with a strong aroma of wet, fallen leaves as I carry a few old-lady sized loads of split firewood from the stack to the basement cache so we'll be warm tonight.