IPA: fˈɝmʌmʌnt
- (usually uncountable, literary, poetic, also figuratively) The vault of the heavens, where the clouds, sun, moon, and stars can be seen; the heavens, the sky.
- (countable) The field or sphere of an activity or interest.
- (uncountable, astronomy, historical) In the geocentric Ptolemaic system, the eighth celestial sphere which carried the fixed stars; (countable, by extension) any celestial sphere.
- (uncountable, obsolete except biblical) The abode of God and the angels; heaven.
- (countable, obsolete) A piece of jewellery worn in a headdress with numerous gems resembling stars in the sky.
- (countable, obsolete, also figuratively) A basis or foundation; a support.
- (countable, obsolete) The act or process of making firm or strengthening.
Examples of "firmament" in Sentences
- I have said what the word firmament in Scripture means.
- The interposing firmament is to him as transparent crystal, Ezek. i.
- Scripture constantly makes use of the word firmament to express extraordinary strength.
- But the firmament is firm, and answers to its name, when those who seem to prop it are gone.
- The firmament is the cupola of his temple and the breath of millions the incense of his altar.
- The reader may also refer to the note of Johannes Clericus, in his commentary on Genesis, who retains the word firmament, and argues at length in vindication of the term.
- As to the heavens in general, the prevailing view in the Church was based upon the scriptural declarations that a solid vault -- a "firmament" -- was extended above the earth, and that the heavenly bodies were simply lights hung within it.
- In thy book thou dost discuss these things with us wisely, our God -- in thy book, which is thy "firmament" -- in order that we may be able to view all things in admiring contemplation, although thus far we must do so through signs and seasons and in days and years.
- The head of the good beast rises into the heavens, the mysterious waters which cover the world flow along her spine; the star-covered underside of her body, which we call the firmament, is visible to the inhabitants of earth, and her four legs are the four pillars standing at the four cardinal points of the world.
- Perhaps it is really true that the earth is a dark ball, hanging in the open space which we call the firmament of heaven, moving slowly round the shining sun, but spinning like a top all the time itself, so that first one side and then the other faces the brightness; and thus there is a constant change from light to darkness and darkness to light going on all over the world; and this makes Day and Night.