IPA: fˈɪʃɝ
- A person who catches fish, especially for a living or for sport; a person engaging in the pastime of fishing.
- A North American marten, Martes pennanti, that has thick brown fur.
- The fur of Martes pennanti.
- (countable) An English surname originating as an occupation for a fisherman.
- A location:
- A suburb of Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia.
- A suburb of the City of Mount Isa, Queensland, Australia.
- A locality in South Australia.
- A rural municipality of Manitoba, Canada.
- A tiny city in Poinsett County, Arkansas, United States.
- A locality in Humboldt County, California, United States.
- A village in Champaign County, Illinois, United States.
- A village in Sabine Parish, Louisiana, United States.
- A town in Polk County, Minnesota, United States.
- A ghost town in Carroll County, Missouri, United States.
- An unincorporated community in Lincoln County, Oregon, United States.
- An unincorporated community in Clarion County, Pennsylvania, United States.
- An unincorporated community in Hardy County, West Virginia, United States.
- A sea area centered on the Fisher Bank off the west coast of Denmark.
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