IPA: fˈɪʃɝmæn
- A fisher, a person engaged in fishing:
- Any person who attempts to catch fish.
- A person whose profession is catching fish.
- A vessel (boat or ship) used for fishing.
Examples of "fisherman" in Sentences
- Ask DeeterNot really sure what a wannabe fly fisherman is ...
- What makes a good fly fisherman is being able to read patterns and follow them.
- For some the life of a fisherman is a necessity; for others a necessary challenge.
- My guess is if this had been about spin fisherman it would have never made the Wall Street Journal.
- June 26th, 2006 at 12: 47 pm they actually have a bad ass grimm reaper on there for 1000 …. oh and the fisherman is awesome as well
- "And now this fisherman is come to Jerusalem, the place is packed with pilgrims ripe for any trouble, and Hanan stirs and stirs the broth."
- On the blue-gray waters of Lake Edward, where the eastern fringe of Congo blends into Uganda, Byanmongo Matabishi, a fisherman from the Congolese village of Vitshumbi, stands on a pirogue and shakes his head.