
IPA: fˈɪtfʌɫi


  • In a fitful manner; irregularly or unsteadily.

Examples of "fitfully" in Sentences

  • The father, sleeping fitfully, is talking to himself.
  • The numbers of buyers and sellers remain fitfully small.
  • I slept fitfully, although fitfully is perhaps not the right word.
  • Now and again fitfully slept, but the pain of the cold always aroused me.
  • The outside air was full of sweet, wholesome springtime sounds that drifted in fitfully.
  • So early on a Sunday morning the neighborhood has a hushed, abandoned feel to it, which contrasts sharply with the joyful noise that spills fitfully out of Bethel as its doors open and close for entering worshippers.
  • Rajah’s compound called fitfully into view the ragged trunks of the surrounding trees, putting a stain of glowing red half-way across the river where the drifting logs were hurrying towards the sea through the impenetrable gloom.
  • Only the fire of dry branches lit outside the stockade of the Rajah's compound called fitfully into view the ragged trunks of the surrounding trees, putting a stain of glowing red half-way across the river where the drifting logs were hurrying towards the sea through the impenetrable gloom.
  • The states, ever reluctant to burden their citizens with taxes and conscription, only fitfully provided money, men, and supplies for the Continental Army; and soldiers, suffering from repeated neglect, deserted or mutinied, especially after France entered the war and Americans, anticipating victory, became preoccupied with local and private affairs.

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