IPA: fˈɪtɪŋnʌs
- The state or condition of being fitting; suitability.
Examples of "fittingness" in Sentences
- On the other hand, there is a certain fittingness to packaging these two films together.
- While Neumeier's enthusiasm is great, his statement about the story's fittingness today seems a bit of stretch.
- "de congruo," that is, a merit of simple "fittingness," which is characteristic of every angelic and human creature.
- (That spirit is, with exquisite fittingness, preserved in the motto of the recently crucial South Carolina: "Dum spiro spero.")
- "Do you hesitate, " she asked, -because of some lack of certitude as to my nature, for fear of some impropriety or subtle lack f fittingness in such an action?
- A certain amusing fittingness was thus manifested in my choice of a location for my predations, a choice fully vindicated, incidentally, by the catch of lovely males I acquired there.
- It was a coincidental fittingness that as all eyes were upon him, he sat alone on the railing, a bit above everyone else - as if on some makeshift stage for an actor on some far away sea.
- CARDINAL THEODORE MCCARRICK, ARCHBISHOP EMERITUS OF WASHINGTON, D.C.: It's a certain fittingness in having a burial at the dying of the day because we know that the sun will come back again tomorrow.
- Though such a thematic doesn’t seem logically necessary to begin with, it exhibits an incalculably rich symbolic coherence as well as that gloriously gratuitous fittingness which is a mark of perfect Love.