IPA: fɫˈæbɝgæst
- (countable) An awkward person.
- (uncountable) Overwhelming confusion, shock, or surprise.
- (transitive) To overwhelm with bewilderment; to amaze, confound, or stun, especially in a ludicrous manner.
Examples of "flabbergast" in Sentences
- Emily says the hardest word she had to spell was 'flabbergast'.
- The ignorance of the American people regarding foreign affairs never continues to flabbergast me.
- A calm and collected voice spoke over the flabbergast shuttle crew: “About time you came in person.”
- Here are a few facts that will flabbergast you. by John Sanchez Jr. on Monday, Jan 4, 2010 at 12: 21: 24 AM
- Not that I ever believed in the existence of that Whitey tape, but you know, it wouldn't flabbergast me either.
- He's reverted to his pre-convention state of fumbling and foundering and flummoxing and falling into a fevered form of flabbergast.
- But Gillespie loved to sing and clown as well as to flabbergast with his brilliance and inventiveness, and he never quite saw why that should bother anybody.
- But then, I am perpetually astonished at the already pretty well-established phenomena that are evidently supposed to flabbergast otherwise reasonable adults.
- But after shaking off the flabbergast and the dumbfound he got that expression on his face, the one when he looks like a goddamn boob and he's psyched to tell me something.
- The three gigantic, gleaming, copper bulb shapes that dominate the entrance hall of the Wiels Contemporary Art Centre in Brussels are not the latest Damien Hirst or Jeff Koons installation, though they possess a similar capacity to flabbergast.