
IPA: fɫˈæksˈɪdɪti


  • The condition of being flaccid.

Examples of "flaccidity" in Sentences

  • I can see it now, you snapping your fingers as your "flaccidity" waves in the breeze.
  • I tend to make compact snarls that are hard to unpack, or to revise them into flaccidity.
  • "Without admission of wrong-doing" is a startling but not unexpected example of regulatory incompetence and flaccidity.
  • But Governments are beset by an even greater danger, which the learned might call "flaccidity" and the simple -- "flabbiness."
  • Some bullets had passed through his spinal nerves and a physiotherapist, using the word "flaccidity" to describe his legs, let slip that he would never walk again.
  • They reprise the view lambasted by Will Herberg, more than a half-century ago, in his searing critique of American religious flaccidity, "Protestant Catholic Jew."
  • Now he's scaring us with his flaccidity, which is why we're thinking about putting his woody on a "lost" poster and stapling it up to telephone poles all around the neighborhood.
  • Chinese demands for natural aphrodisiacs have also contributed to the endangered species status of the white rhinoceros -- whose diminishing number of ground up horns are still in demand for treating penile flaccidity -- and the near extinction of giant Pacific clams whose abductor muscles resemble female sex organs.
  • Its easy pessimism and cult of pleasure, its delightful freedom from any demand for continuous thought from its readers, its appeal to the indolence and moral flaccidity which is implicit in all men, all contributed to its immense vogue; and among people who perhaps did not fully understand it but were merely lulled by its sonorousness, a knowledge of it has passed for the insignia of a love of literature and the possession of literary taste.

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