IPA: fɫæmbˈoʊ
- A burning torch, especially one carried in procession.
Examples of "flambeau" in Sentences
- “He awaits you in his rooms, madam,” he said, holding his flambeau aloft, lighting the way.
- Do not miss the video at the end of this edition, in which students portent le flambeau, or "carry the torch" of remembrance via song.
- "flambeau" fishing at night, the fellow "roared and bellowed" and set him at defiance; no less than twenty companions joined him in the fishing.
- Flambeau Shady Lady $60; www. flambeau outdoors. com Raised feather details are covered with electrostatically applied flocking to give this hard, full-body hen decoy a lifelike sheen.
- This done, he re-entered the cavern, turned to his left, fixed his new kind of flambeau upright against the wall, poured the liquor in the wax cup, and then went out again to procure fire.
- The flambeau is made of bark, but if the poaching happens to be in a river near the C.N.R. Railway it is easier to steal the waste from the boxes of freight cars, as this makes a better flambeau.
- Yes | No | Report from muskiemaster wrote 28 weeks 4 days ago blaze orange is a must have no matter what in the fall almost any time you go into the woods. but for dove decoys flambeau makes some good ones with a little clip on the bottom of them to put them on whatever.