
IPA: fɫˈætbʌtɑm


  • Alternative form of flat-bottomed [Having a flat bottom.]


IPA: fɫˈætbʌtɑm


  • having a flat bottom

flat bottom

IPA: fɫˈætbɑtʌm

Root Word: flat bottomed


  • Alternative spelling of flat-bottomed [Having a flat bottom.]

Examples of "flat-bottom" in Sentences

  • Audi A half-turn of the leather-stitched, flat-bottom steering wheel will put you in Mongolia.
  •  Or the way the rear of a flat-bottom boat drifted in its sluggish ripples as its nose remained wedged in the bank.
  • BURNETT: Five minutes later, Justin King backed his flat-bottom johnboat into the water to try and hook a big bass at the end of the day.
  • A flat-bottom design with a massive recoil lug, the Model 1999 comes in chrome-moly or stainless steel, in right - or left-hand configurations.
  • On Tuesday, tribe member Russell Dardar, 42, took a flat-bottom boat out to one of those old cemeteries, now marked only by a white metal cross in the marsh grass.
  • They would house them for a day or two, waiting for al-Yamani to return with the flat-bottom barge, and then they would have nothing to do until the next batch arrived.
  • The steamer "Chapala" is a flat-bottom stern-wheel boat, very like those that are common on the shallow rivers of the West; the only boats adapted to shoal-water service.
  • They scrambled over the sides of their respective ships on cargo nets into the flat-bottom Higgins boats bound for the shore and the deadly fire of the demons of the Third Reich.
  • On Tuesday, tribe member Russell Dardar, 42, took a flat-bottom boat out to one of those old cemeteries, now marked only by a white metal cross standing alone in the marsh grass.
  • "You've got to keep shocking the crocodile until it falls unconscious," the 52-year-old Mr. Praiphan as he twitched his thick, black mustache and patted a six-foot-long crocodile that was trussed up on the floor of his flat-bottom motorboat, located about a 20-minute drive from the center of Bangkok.

Examples of "flatbottom" in Sentences

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