IPA: fɫˈibeɪn
- Any of various species of flowering plants in certain genera in family Asteraceae, that typically repel insects:
- mostly in two tribes of subfamily Asteroideae
- in tribe Astereae
- Conyza spp. (butterweeds or horseweed)
- Erigeron spp., especially Erigeron acre (blue fleabane)
- in tribe Inuleae
- Inula spp. (yellowheads)
- Pluchea spp. (camphorweeds)
- Pulicaria spp. (false fleabane), especially common fleabane (Pulicaria dysenterica subsp. dysenterica, formerly Inula dysenterica)
- Also, in subfamily Cichorioideae, Vernonia spp. (ironweeds).
Examples of "fleabane" in Sentences
- Mentha pulegium, also called fleabane, is the most well-known of these.
- Our fleabane is a troublesome weed at times, but good husbandry has little to dread from it.
- By now the four of us were stumbling through a rolling pasture of daisy fleabane in full bloom.
- Purple martins go so far as to line their nests with plants like wild carrot and fleabane that contain natural parasite-killers.
- The babies look good now, we have a very thuggish fleabane that is quite the weed, so I am hoping this little one likes it here too.
- "The now pan-global weed Canadian fleabane arrived in Europe in the seventeenth century in the stuffing of a bird imported from North America," we're told.
- In the next bed were the medicinal herbs she used in potions for sick folks: squaw weed, hepatica, goldenseal, ginseng for the brain, jewelweed for poison ivy rash, wolf milk for warts, and fleabane and pale hergamot, which Granny would rub on her face and arms to keep off mosquitos and gnats.
- Bird's-foot trefoil and bugloss, poppies and cornflowers, fumitory and fleabane – there were about 20 species all in bloom and, aside from the great surge of colour, the highlight for me was the bumblebees, mainly common carder and red-tailed bumblebees, that trafficked through the flowers all day long.