IPA: fɫˈɪbɝtɪdʒˈɪbɪt
- An offbeat, skittish person; especially said of a young woman.
- A flighty person; someone regarded as silly, irresponsible, or scatterbrained, especially someone who chatters or gossips.
- (archaic) An imp, a fiend.
Examples of "flibbertigibbet" in Sentences
- Either she's misusing the word flibbertigibbet or she's endorsing the wrong candidate.
- Shakespeare apparently saw a devilish aspect to a gossipy chatterer; he used "flibbertigibbet" in
- For all the seniors out there that find Elizabeth Taylor still relevant, a flibbertigibbet is basically a chatty gossip.
- Joe Versus The Volcano, only one of whom is a self-described "flibbertigibbet" (a sort of antiquated version of the MPDG).
- He suggested that the PM's often tired appearance might be an advantage compared to Conservative leader David Cameron, who he dismissed as a "flibbertigibbet".
- Danson, as the constantly stoned and seemingly monstrously self-absorbed magazine editor George, gives the show weight and heft, which is hard to see in the first several episodes because George appears to be a flibbertigibbet.
- In phonaesthesia however, some simple combinations of phonemes (like “fl -” in English) have taken on a degree of meaning in their own right, if not iconic (with “fl -” resembling a sound associated with the flick, flap or flourish, the fluttering flight of the fleeting, flouncy flibbertigibbet,) then at least conventionally symbolic (as with the cluster of words in English associating “gl -” with glistening, glittering glints of gleams we glance or glean.)