IPA: fɫˈaɪti
- Given to unplanned and silly ideas or actions.
- (of a bird) That flies easily or often.
- (obsolete) Swift.
Examples of "flighty" in Sentences
- Who can forget the 16yr old girl hanged for being a bit 'flighty'?
- She was personality-wise kind of flighty and bubbly and was always cooking in some way.
- Thus the readers meet the heroine, immediately after the call her flighty best friend and soon afterward the vampire-author.
- America's obsession with the superficial and the flighty is a reflection of its excessive preoccupation with entertainment and glamour.
- Adults are wild, generally intractable, and "flighty," but young animals (at least of the Asian species) tame readily and make good pets.
- When your faculty of awareness is flighty – in other words, when your mind gets distracted to many things – direct your way of gazing and faculty of imagination at the black drop.
- Marion is kind of flighty and Jack is very uncomfortable in his skin and in Europe, and descends quickly into a pathetic typical American tourist taking way too many pictures and wanting everything to be exactly as it is at home.
- Take the end of scene 1: the ingenue a mezzo rather than a soprano; in Slavic operas it was common for the "flighty" character to have a heavier voice than the "serious" character tells off the heroine's drunken, mother-fixated husband, then soliloquizes about her own sympathy for the heroine, but can't shake the feeling that it's not any of her business.
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