IPA: fɫˈɪmfɫæm
- Alternative form of flim-flam [Misinformation; bunkum; false information presented as true.]
- To swindle or cheat.
IPA: fɫˈɪmfɫˈæm
- Misinformation; bunkum; false information presented as true.
- confidence game, con game
- (archaic) Table tennis.
flim flam
IPA: fɫˈɪmfɫæm
- Alternative form of flim-flam [Misinformation; bunkum; false information presented as true.]
Examples of "flimflam" in Sentences
Examples of "flim-flam" in Sentences
- Even John McCain and John Boehner are now on-board the Obama flim-flam.
- Much of what they say is flim-flam, and this blog aims to set the record straight.
- Thirty years of voodoo economics and flim-flam have come home to roost as projected.
- And flim-flam them into seriously believing that they're not only part of something, they're part of a "Revolution!"
- Who knows better than you the story of the financial and political flim-flam artists who brought this country to its knees, made out like bandits, and left the 99% in the dust?
- What do people do when hope runs out and there has been no change, just more flim-flam like “public utilities” with a wind-mill stuck on their ponds of coal-ash, nuclear waste, and toxic-debt.
- • Another day of calm at the London School of Economics, where students yesterday demanded the dismissal of Satoshi Kanazawa, the evolutionary psychologist/flim-flam merchant who posted a blog in a quest to explain "why black women are less physically attractive".
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