IPA: fɫˈɪmzinʌs
- The quality of being flimsy.
Examples of "flimsiness" in Sentences
- I think the biggest problem I have with the pan is its flimsiness.
- The mixing of metaphors alone betrays the flimsiness of that analysis.
- He then says the length of the list, plus its “flimsiness,” points towards his more esoteric interpretation.
- I'm being facetious, but it shows at once the flimsiness of Chaplin's argument and the instinctive response that Guy Product Managers like us will make "Well, that's where the market is!"
- Despite the flimsiness of their tent, the Jouberts say they've never been attacked by lions, and only once by a thirsty elephant who tried to steal their water, dragging their accommodations, apparently while they were outside, into a dry riverbed.
- Now, there is a peculiarity in Rubens 'method, and which strictly belongs to his colouring, from which arises what may be not improperly designated flimsiness, that is, the leaving too much of the first getting in of his picture, the first transparent sketchy brown.
- The swans who don't conform, who throw punches; the uber-lipsticked prince who blankly gestures "huh?" when Swan Queen Odette unspools a sequence of nose-in-the-air fingerplay and arm-waving that approximates a 19th-century mime sequence carried out with 21st-century flimsiness.
- But sitting here today, given Rodriguez's overwhelming credentials (which surpass even Bagwell's) and the flimsiness of the steroids evidence against him -- far less than what is known (or alleged) in regards to Palmeiro, McGwire, Bonds, Clemens or Sosa -- I suspect he would eventually get in.
- Sydney Chaffee continued, "I've gotten closer to achieving a balance between two extremes in my own intentions -- the extreme concreteness of many 9th graders' first intentions and the extreme flimsiness of the overly poetic, grand intentions of my first few years which were hard for me to know if I was actually doing."