
IPA: fɫˈɪpʌntɫi


  • In a flippant manner.

Examples of "flippantly" in Sentences

  • Last week, Brett Ratner used the word flippantly at a film screening Q&A.
  • I hate to throw out the term flippantly, but this is the “Long Tail” of commenting, isn†™ t it?
  • You are flippantly omitting a "yet" -- "possibly kill the man who probably is not YET a murderer ..."
  • You know I don’t like to use that word flippantly, but Laura, I am not afraid to say it now because I really do mean it.
  • “I have plenty of room in my gown, thank you very much,” Charisse said flippantly, as she took a healthy bite of the treat.
  • My view is, and I certainly don't mean this flippantly, is what the hell are they doing ordering pizza at a high security location?
  • They didn't flippantly joke, they crafted campaigns of division and anger, using catch phrases and terrifying tag lines to batter America into submission.
  • My flippantly wishing a fictional character to drop dead during a break there is no real Joe the Plumber paled by the Republicans taking out ads with them shooting weapons in them, encouraging people to buy M16s in others, on and on.
  • What worries me at the core, I think, is the idea that a moral dicta imposed around “rape”, proscribing its “casual” use as vulgar, rendering it an act of moral transgression to speak this word flippantly, while it might serve to affirm the gravity of the crime, might at the same time, for that very reason, prime that word for exaptation into the realm of swearing proper.

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