
IPA: fɫˈɑkoʊs


  • (botany, mycology) Covered or growing in wooly tufts

Examples of "floccose" in Sentences

  • I had made these with my own hands, and styled them on the Ethiopian model of beauty, full and floccose.
  • These floccose scales are formed as a result of the separation of the annulus from the outer layer of the stem.
  • White floccose scales on cap (var. coroniferum) and appendiculate veil; caps whitish or brown, tawny, or tinge of ochre.
  • As the veil is split off from the surface of the stem, the latter is torn into numerous floccose scales, as shown in Fig. 59.
  • [Footnote 1: On rotten wood.] [Footnote 2: A floccose ring.] [Footnote 3: At first, adpressed to stem.] [Footnote 4: Top shaped.]
  • The = stem = is cylindrical, even, or slightly tapering upward, hollow or stuffed, not bulbous, smooth, or with mealy particles or prominent floccose scales.
  • In some cases the volva is probably thinner than in others, and with the rapid expansion of the pileus in wet weather the scales would be smaller, or more floccose.
  • The stem is fleshy to fibrous, the same color as the pileus, floccose scaly more or less up to the veil, smooth or white pruinose above the veil, straight or curved, somewhat striate below.
  • +Cap+ bright yellowish or orange color, 3 to 7 inches broad, convex, then flattened, gibbous, that is, more convex on one side than on the other; viscid, covered with woolly (floccose) scales, which often separate.
  • (New South Wales), Autun, etc., boghead have shown us merely a yellowish-brown amorphous mass holding in suspension lens-shaped or radiating floccose masses which it is scarcely possible to refer to any known vegetable organism.

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