IPA: fɫˈɑkjʌɫˈeɪʃʌn
- A condition in which clays, polymers or other small charged particles become attached and form a fragile structure, a floc.
Examples of "flocculation" in Sentences
- Deposition can also be caused by particle precipitation and flocculation.
- Excess levels of free amino nitrogen adversely affect flocculation, thus producing cloudier beers.
- First, in a process called "flocculation," they add a solution that clusters dirt particles together so they can be filtered out.
- -- known as flocculation - and sets the stage for further study of treatments that might accelerate clumping or make the clumps more stable.
- Instead of the clean-cut criterion, French cheese-makers wait for "flocculation" to occur - the point when the milk starts to separate into curds and whey.
- When turbidity is high, precautionary warnings to "boil water" might be issued to residents because the suspended ash may have decreased the effectiveness of any disinfection or flocculation process.
- Keith warns, however, that the yeast found at the bottom of the bottle is often a second strain added at the conditioning phase—typically a lager strain, used to ensure maximum flocculation during conditioning, and not the ale strain used in primary fermentation, where the distinctive esters are produced.