
IPA: fɫˈɑp


  • A heavy, passive fall; a plopping down.
  • A complete failure, especially in the entertainment industry.
  • (poker) The first three cards turned face-up by the dealer in a community card poker game.
  • A ponded package of dung, as in a cow-flop.
  • (slang) A flophouse.
  • (computing) One floating-point operation per second, a unit of measure of processor speed.
  • (computing) Synonym of flop.
  • (computing) Abbreviation of floating-point operation.


  • (intransitive) To fall heavily due to lack of energy.
  • (transitive) To cause to drop heavily.
  • (intransitive, informal) To fail completely; not to be successful at all (of a movie, play, book, song etc.).
  • (sports, intransitive) To pretend to be fouled in sports, such as basketball, hockey (the same as to dive in soccer)
  • (intransitive) To strike about with something broad and flat, as a fish with its tail, or a bird with its wings; to rise and fall; to flap.
  • (poker, transitive) To have (a hand) using the community cards dealt on the flop.
  • (intransitive, slang) To stay, sleep or live in a place.
  • (transitive) To flip; to reverse (an image).
  • (transitive, prison slang) To deny someone parole.


  • Right, squarely, flat-out.
  • With a flopping sound.

Examples of "flop" in Sentences

  • Really, though, has there ever been a contestant so drenched in flop sweat for so long?
  • Webster says a flip-flop is (among other things) a sudden reversal of policy or strategy.
  • UPDATE: One way to disguise an imminent flip-flop is to camouflage it by changing the subject.
  • Then again, the use of the word if 'flop' is relative, I use it to label movies that performed abysmal.
  • March 19th, 2010 at 11: 09 am spearNmagicHelmet says: dudes are just flat out flailing in flop sweat desperation.
  • The potential for this film to be a flop is already in existence, although I sincerely hope that the film is good.
  • The best part about this being such a notorious flop is that the crew and cast looking back can be a little more honest than they sometimes are in such cases.
  • IE: Doing a belly flop from the high board hurts one hell of lot more than falling face forward into the water from pool side That said Im not half bad with numbers but the abilty to prove that mathmatically is beyond me,

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