
IPA: fɫˈɑphaʊs


  • (US, slang) A cheap hotel or boarding house where many people sleep in large rooms.


  • To stay in a flophouse.

Examples of "flophouse" in Sentences

  • my mother told me she wouldn't let me turn her home into a "flophouse".
  • One of the guest rooms has been named after a long-term flophouse resident, nicknamed "Charlie Peppers" due to his love of peppers.
  • Claus and Emmanuelle talked about the flophouse in Schwabing, where they met as roommates, and the girls they picked up at the dance halls.
  • The large 1896 Chicago School structure by architect Ernest Flagg, was known at the time as Mills House No. 1 and served as a flophouse for transient men.
  • Le Poisson Rouge was once the legendary Jazz venue the Village Gate which was originally a flophouse for men - which is interesting bit of fate, as an earl Calvi project was titled Cheap Hotel, B-side "New York"
  • It seems that when my father was courting my mother, he made up all sorts of stories about his fabulous wealth, when, in fact, he was living out of a suitcase in a Santa Monica flophouse, subsisting on cans of chili and Spam.
  • A few years ago, in my role as Global Ambassador for the health organization PSI Population Services International, I visited a Kenyan brothel -- it was a scuzzy flea-bag flophouse on a teeming street in a broken-up, tough part of town.
  • Here's Anna Calvi performing at Le Poisson Rouge, which was once the legendary jazz venue the Village Gate -- which itself was originally a flophouse for men, making for an interesting bit of fate, as Nina Simone whom Calvi cites as a favorite performed on this stage, and additionally, an early Calvi project was titled Cheap Hotel, releasing one single "New York"...

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