
IPA: fɫɔrˈɛsʌns


  • The time, or the condition, of budding or flowering.

Examples of "florescence" in Sentences

  • Gigantism during the florescence of adaptive release and dwarfism later as resources are maxed out?
  • I was sitting on the floor with my back resting against the tub, washed in florescence, the door closed and locked.
  • The low-watt florescence lights, the sweet edgy smells, the greetings with hands so dry they feel like crushed autumn leaves.
  • Still, The Farm coalesced during the florescence of gay liberation, and so Stephen's virtual silence on the subject proves historically significant. 19
  • "This is the florescence and each one of these is a seed," noted Indupulapati Rao who is studying Brachiaria at the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) in Cali, the third largest city in Colombia.
  • But this florescence of mass bohemianism did not occur in a political vacuum; the counterculture, with its half-conscious invention of new forms of masculinity, was one element of the thriving social-movement sector of the United States in the 1960s and 1970s.
  • Although, like Crash, Lord Horror is composed in conventional narrative, it is not what it seems; it is an intricate tableau, or rather a series of tableaux, a florescence from a central idea, which we expanded into picaresque forms that really make no overall narrative sense.

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