IPA: fɫˈɑrɪkˈʌɫtʃɝʌɫ
- Of or pertaining to floriculture.
Examples of "floricultural" in Sentences
- As gardeners we must keep up with floricultural progress.
- Special training in floricultural and horticultural subjects.
- Displays of Japanese garden and floricultural arts were exhibited in the garden.
- Thomas! whatever else the gardener does, he is not to make any floricultural noises under my window.
- This translucent cover transmitted the light and sunshine necessary for the floricultural display beneath.
- The author believes it possible that the electric light may be used some day to pecuniary advantage in floricultural establishments.
- We abandoned the building in order to view the floricultural out-of-door exhibits, which covered the large spaces on the lawns adjoining it and the
- Times_ will be taken at the next performance of _Parsifal_ by Mr. WATERER, the great floricultural expert, and Mr. DEVANT, the eminent conjurer, with
- My young floricultural friend, JOE of Birmingham, who knows a bit about fruits as well as concerning orchids, let me tell you, -- JOE, I say, laughs their preposterous pretensions to scorn.
- By dint of much showing and explanation through many years, he has acquired a floricultural knowledge which enables him to tell a Rose, Lily, Sunflower and Phlox, and of this knowledge he is proud.
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