
IPA: fɫɔrˈɪdʌti


  • (uncountable) The property of being florid.
  • (countable) Something florid.

Examples of "floridity" in Sentences

  • Talking of floridity, Torchwood drew to a close on Sunday.
  • The exception is bounty hunter Jellon Lamb: John Hurt wheezes out paragraphs of Elizabethan floridity while capering drunkenly in his shack at the foot of the hills.
  • The force of eloquence is not merely a train of just and vigorous reasoning, which is not incompatible with dryness; this force requires floridity, striking images, and energetic expressions.
  • I am wondering if this had something to do with Cranmer's excision of antiphons, given his concern to foreground the scriptural text he felt was lost under the floridity of the medieval chant.
  • Then I scoff at the floridity and absurdity of some scrolloping tomb; and the trumpets and the victories and the coats of arms and the certainty, so sonorously repeated, of resurrection, of eternal life.
  • Howard wrote them in a personalized style that is very post-heroic, is very much a part of a twentieth-century literary tradition which eschews the floridity, gallantry and nobleness of cause associated with the epic.
  • The two corridors, monotonously papered in the same grey and faded pattern, seemed to emphasize the dust and dingy floridity of the few early Victorian ornaments, the green rust that devoured the bronze of the lamp, the dull gold that glimmered in the frame of the broken mirror.

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