IPA: fɫˈoʊtʃɑrt
- Alternative spelling of flow chart [A schematic representation of how the different stages in a process are interconnected.]
flow chart
IPA: fɫˈoʊtʃˈɑrt
- A schematic representation of how the different stages in a process are interconnected.
Examples of "flowchart" in Sentences
Examples of "flow-chart" in Sentences
- I had to make a flow-chart of the different corps.
- I mapped these as a flow-chart for ease of reference:
- "And then he showed me this flow-chart with exactly the same plan."
- The plan includes a detailed flow-chart that "lays out a range of possible responses to a blog post": Must see. '
- There's a field manual for everything in the military, so this flow-chart presents online communications in a DoD [Department of Defense] friendly format.
- A nice complement to yesterday's post on XKCD's flowchart of how to read flowcharts -- here's Thinkin 'Lincoln's flowchart on whether you should make a flow-chart.
- BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA -- oooh, i wet 'em! i heard that Dre often worked in flow-chart form to write lyrics but Eazy-E preferred outline form. this clash of styleways ultimately caused a rift between them.
- Readers of the 2010 VeloNews USGP of Cyclocross Guide could start the process of choosing a new bike with a flow-chart spread, an amusing visual that the staff, the editors, and graphics department had some fun putting together.
- Readers of the 2010 VeloNews USGP of Cyclocross Guide could start the process of choosing a new bike with a flow-chart spread, an amusing visual that the staff, tech editors, and graphics department had some fun putting together.
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