
IPA: fɫˈaʊɝbɛd


  • A part of a garden or park where flowers are grown.

flower bed

IPA: fɫˈaʊɝbɛd


  • Alternative spelling of flowerbed [A part of a garden or park where flowers are grown.]


IPA: fɫˈaʊɝbd


  • Alternative form of flowerbed. [A part of a garden or park where flowers are grown.]

Examples of "flowerbed" in Sentences

    Examples of "flower-bed" in Sentences

    • And Maggie to have a flower-bed on your front lawn!
    • The Bishop had just picked up the basket in a flower-bed.
    • He stole across the lawn and stepped over the flower-bed, carefully avoiding making any marks.
    • Da filled the bucket with soil from the empty flower-bed in the back garden and set the tree inside it.
    • There were no footmarks on the flower-bed under the window, which was the only place where footmarks would show, as the lawn itself was hard and dry.
    • The change wasn't immediately obvious, but as she walked around the gardens, she did see the occasional spinning globe of light moving along a hedge or over a flower-bed.
    • This morning, in bright sunshine, I cut the grass on our tiny patch in the front of the house, and cleared the thistles and briars from the flower-bed...summer is on the way.
    • And she ran to a flower-bed, and pulling a few polyanthuses, rhododendrons, and other flowers, made herself a little wreath, and danced before the King and Queen so drolly and prettily, that everybody was delighted.
    • A wide terrace led from the house to the garden; before the terrace flaunted a long flower-bed, covered with roses; at each end of the flower-bed grew two acacias, which had been trained to grow into the shape of a screw by its late owner.
    • After ordering a very choice dinner and reviewing the condition of her rooms, she walked about the grounds, so as to be seen standing near a flower-bed in the court-yard of the chateau, like the mistress of the house, on the arrival of the coach from Paris.

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