IPA: fɫʌmɝi
- A custard; any of several bland, gelatinous foodstuffs, usually made from stewed fruit and thickened with oatmeal, cornstarch or flour.
- (historical, specifically) A slightly tart, jelly-like food of Welsh origin, made from extensively boiling oats, then boiling down the liquid extracted from it.
- Empty or meaningless talk, especially when used to flatter.
- Pretentious trappings, useless ornaments used to impress.
- Deceptive or blustering speech.
Examples of "flummery" in Sentences
- Now have I not given you a fine feast of homage, -- "flummery" Mr. Hawthorne calls it?
- Forsytes singularly free of "flummery," as Nicholas had been wont to call it when he had the gout.
- "flummery" not theirs by birth, and accept it as the still more natural due of their possessive instincts.
- Dutch flummery is made by boiling two ounces of isinglass in three half-pints of water very gently for half an hour.
- a little better than any other because it was their world, had kept the old Forsytes singularly free of "flummery," as Nicholas had been wont to call it when he had the gout.
- The time had come when the Forsytes might resign their natural resentment against a "flummery" not theirs by birth, and accept it as the still more natural due of their possessive instincts.
- Sylvia's position and outlook from this level then, I thrust my way through what I impatiently dismissed as the "flummery"; by which I meant the poetry, the picturesqueness, the sacrosanct glamour surrounding his
- Rice flummery, which is a very nice side dish, is made by mixing a quarter of a pound of ground rice with a little cold milk, and then adding a pint of new milk which has been boiled, with a stick of cinnamon and a bit of lemon-peel; flavour it with sugar and a teaspoonful of peach-water.