IPA: fɫˈaɪɝ
- That which flies, as a bird or insect.
- A machine that flies.
- (dated) An airplane pilot.
- A person who travels by airplane.
- A leaflet, often for advertising.
- The part of a spinning machine that twists the thread as it takes it to and winds it on the bobbin
- (architecture) An arch that connects a flying buttress into the structure it supports.
- (acrobatics, cheerleading, synchronized swimming) A person who is lifted and/or thrown by another person or persons.
- (firearms) A stray shot away from the group on a target.
- A standard rectangular step of a staircase (as opposed to a winder).
- A female kangaroo; a roo; a doe; a jill.
- A leap or jump.
- A risky investment or other venture.
- (informal) A fast-moving person or thing.
- (sports) A false start
- (intransitive) To distribute flyers (leaflets).
- (transitive) To distribute flyers in (a location) or to (recipients).
Examples of "flyer" in Sentences
- Most every flyer is different in design and size, as well as quality.
- I'm willing to bet Petraeus ends up on a McCain flyer somewhere down the road.
- While most of the books are very affordable, the flyer is laden with toys right next to the books.
- Well, if they weren't saved and the flyer is deemed the matter of a bias incident, is that destruction of evidence?
- Ryan Bingham, a business flyer, is six days from attaining his personal goal of one million miles on his frequent-flyer account.
- When Dion arrived, he rolled down his back seat window to take a flyer from a demonstrator before being whisked across our picket line.
- * Dirty tricks watch: A flyer is circulating in Nevada (it isn't the work of the Sharron Angle campaign) telling seniors that they may die sooner if they vote for Harry Reid.
- The return address on the flyer is the RNC in Washington, DC - they can not deny that this is theirs, otherwise someone is fraudulently representing them and they need to file a lawsuit, and I haven't seen any lawsuits.