
IPA: fˈoʊkʌsɪŋ


  • The action of the verb to focus.


  • Used for or pertaining to focusing.
  • Pertaining to the direction of attention, effort, or energy to a particular audience or purpose over time.

Examples of "focusing" in Sentences

  • I see some value in focusing on word stress as I find most pronunciation problems my students stem from there.
  • The stores have played a critical role in focusing attention on new voices through meet-and-greet readings and other promotions.
  • There is a resting place, I think, in focusing on what is in front of us and being confident that whatever shows up we can deal with then.
  • Instead of Palin focusing on Obama she needs to focus on her disfunctional family and of course Hillary Clinton has already knocked her out of the box.
  • You’d almost think this is a man movie, what with the title focusing on fried vegetables, but it stars Kathy Bates and Jessica Tandy, which should pretty much clue you in on what you’re in for.
  • Republicans may begin focusing on cutting the budget and repealing President Obama's health-care law once the new Congress is seated in January, says Thomas Mann, a political scholar at the Brookings Institution in Washington.
  • What I have been calling “going to hell” really means a failure to adapt: increasing difficulty in focusing on issues beyond the immediate news cycle, and an increasing gap between the real challenges and opportunities of the time and our attention, resources, and best efforts.
  • Coming on the heels of the previous Jack Kirby's Fourth World, presumably the powers that be at DC Comics thought a title focusing on one character rather than an all-encompassing New Gods might catch on more than previous attempts with this particular batch of Jack Kirby's characters.

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