IPA: fˈɑghɝn
- A very loud low-pitched horn, used especially in lighthouses and on large boats.
- A strong gossiper.
- To sound a foghorn
- To shout or bellow in a loud, deep voice
Examples of "foghorn" in Sentences
- i am constantly reminded of that little chickenhawk feller who used to appear in foghorn leghorn cartoons.
- How dare Rush Limbaugh, the principal foghorn of the Right-wing noise machine, denounce them as "freeloaders?"
- The bishop has been forced into a humiliating retreat after endorsing a booklet by Stephen Green, the foghorn from Christian Voice.
- The rise of the Tea Party owes a great deal to Rupert Murdoch's Fox TV, the foghorn of extremism that changed the nature of political discourse.
- IN his dressing room last week John Goodman stood up, emitted a long, blaring foghorn blast and then announced in a loudspeaker voice, “Now docking. ...”
- So I write here today once again, simply trying to be a "foghorn" in the midst of the religious smokescreens that are thrown up daily by the modern day "ministers" of God.
- On Giglio, the head waiter's parents knew to listen for the foghorn, local newspaper Il Tirreno reported, saying that the head waiter had placed a call to his father earlier Friday, telling him to look for the ship at 9:30 p.m.
- When foggy preaching ambiguously handles the topic of social suffering, toughminded clergy bring a foghorn, exposing the policies and practices that, in part, contribute to disproportionately high levels of joblessness, foreclosures and poor health in black and brown communities.
- You can barely hear the music over the carping, which appears to be getting louder as her debut album approaches: a cynic might say that's just as well, given the recent Saturday Night Live appearance in which she demonstrated her uncanny mastery of the vocal style deployed by Ian Brown during the Stone Roses' later years – she honked like the foghorn on Portland Bill lighthouse.