IPA: foʊɫiˈeɪʃʌs
- Resembling a leaf or leaves.
- Bearing leaves.
Examples of "foliaceous" in Sentences
- These foliaceous heaps lie along the bank like the slag of a furnace, showing that Nature is “in full blast” within.
- The adventitious organs appeared as if they were developments from the thalamus -- a kind of foliaceous disc, in fact.
- I feel as if I were nearer to the vitals of the globe, for this sandy overflow is something such a foliaceous mass as the vitals of the animal body.
- Terminal flowers are more subject to it than lateral ones, and if the latter, by accident, become terminal, they seem peculiarly liable to assume a foliaceous condition.
- I opened the stomachs of several, and found them largely distended with minced sea-weed (Ulvæ), which grows in thin foliaceous expansions of a bright green or a dull red colour.
- -- Under this name are imported into this country the dried foliaceous tops of a strongly odoriferous labiate plant, growing three feet high in India and China, called in Bengalee and Hindu, _pucha pat_.
- M. Fournier [68] gives as an illustration the case of a specimen of _Ruscus aculeatus_ in which there occurred a division of the foliaceous branches into two segments, reaching as far as the insertion of the flower, but no further.
- Moquin [263] relates having found in the neighbourhood of Montpellier a flower of a tulip the ovary of which was represented by true leaves, which bore on their margins the ovules, and thus presented a striking analogy with the carpels of those Sterculias, like _S. platanifolia_, which are foliaceous in texture and open very early in the course of their development.
- I was startled by a great patch of vivid scarlet on the ground, and going up to it found it to be a peculiar fungus, branched and corrugated like a foliaceous lichen, but deliquescing into slime at the touch; and then in the shadow of some luxuriant ferns I came upon an unpleasant thing, — the dead body of a rabbit covered with shining flies, but still warm and with the head torn off.
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