
IPA: fˈɑɫiz


  • (uncountable) A lavishly-produced theatrical revue characterized by major stars, huge casts, and opulent costumes and scenery.

Examples of "follies" in Sentences

  • He smiled at the vain follies of the countess, and broke the seal of her letter.
  • But leave to others these niceties, 'whether they are to be described as follies or absurdities:
  • (Pause, during which Gwendolen made several interpretations of her own speech.) "What do you call follies?"
  • A great portion of the errors and mistakes, and of what we call the follies, of children arise from simple ignorance.
  • Brandt's fools as contemptible and loathsome, and say what he calls follies might be better described as sins and vices.
  • He bitterly denounced the administration of that pure Democrat, James Madison, and ridiculed what he termed the follies of Thomas Jefferson. "
  • Brandt's fools are represented as contemptible and loathsome rather than _foolish_, and what he calls follies might be more correctly described as sins and vices.
  • 8 The experience of so many princes, whom he had esteemed or endured, from the vain follies of Elagabalus to the useful rigor of Aurelian, taught him to form a just estimate of the duties, the dangers, and the temptations of their sublime station.
  • To judge, however, by the ardor with which he worked, he was engaged in some one of those schemes that are termed follies before success, but which, after success, are universally acknowledged to be brilliant and praiseworthy instances of industrial enterprise.
  • First, the ordinary citizen and voter must acquire a greater awareness of his own nature, his liability to certain follies, ever recurrent and ever disastrous; secondly, a greater knowledge of the nature of the necessary mechanism of society; and thirdly, of the nature of truth, of true methods of interpretation, the means by which the lessons told by common facts can be applied to the solution of social problems as they arise.

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