IPA: fˈɑndu
- (printing) The graded shift from one color into another.
- (ballet) Involving a lowering of the body by bending the knee of the supporting leg.
- Alternative spelling of fondue [A dish made of melted cheese, or chocolate etc., or of a boiling liquid into which food can be dipped.]
Examples of "fondu" in Sentences
- September 25, 2008 at 4:12 pm extra special dark chokklit fondu chokklit
- Ajoutez le beurre en parcelles et remuez sur feu très doux jusqu'à ce qu'il soit fondu.
- And if anyone eats cheese dogs, put out the fondu pot for hot cheddar sauce with jalapenos.
- Speculum historiale, dans laquelle il a fait entrer et il a fondu, comme je viens de le dire, la relation de notre voyageur.
- One can find hypocrisy in the head of a Heineken, a fruit fly in the finest of fondu, a cockroach in the crust of an occasional croissant ...
- And in the end, 278 chocolates were found; 2 are still missing, one rolled under the furnace where it is probably meeting a bubbly fondu-like death as we speak.
- La diarrhee continue j'ai l'impression que je me vide de tout mes organes internes, j'finis meme par imaginer mon corps se retourner: ma tete s'enfoncer dans mes epaules et ressortir par l'autre coté suivi de mes epaules, mon buste, mes hanches et je me retrouve fondu au fond des toilettes.
- (I hoped it would soon pass because I have eaten deep-fried turkey and it's overrated; what's more, deep-frying a turkey is dangerous, more dangerous even than cooking beef fondu, which once famously burned someone whose name I forget on the Upper West Side in the l960s and was never served anywhere ever again as far as I can tell.)