IPA: fˈʊtɝ
- (archaic) A footgoer; pedestrian
- (computing) A line of information printed at the bottom of a page to identify the contents or number pages. (Compare foot in printing.)
- (in combination) Something that measures a stated number of feet in some dimension.
- (in combination) Someone who has a preference for using a certain foot.
- (chiefly Britain, slang) Football / soccer.
- (Ireland and Scotland, slang) To meddle with or pass time without accomplishing anything meaningful.
Examples of "footer" in Sentences
- Take the time to ensure the footer is as level as possible.
- A foundation footer is perhaps one of the most critical aspects of the house.
- Often overlooked, the footer is a key location for finding navigational links on your site.
- Frequently, a concrete footer is 20, 24 or even 30 inches wide and at least 8 inches thick.
- He hit a short flop shot on the par-3 5th that rolled in and sank a 21-footer from the fringe on No. 6.
- Be sure that this type of footer is approved for your area and that the gravel used is crushed and angular.
- The only problem with the 12 footer is that I am going to have to move it from my old house to the new one where I live when I am in Mexico.
- Bryant hit a 21-footer from the left corner and Trevor Ariza followed with a three-pointer as the Lakers ended the game shooting 60% from the floor.
- The primary purpose of the footer is to spread out the weight of the structure across a larger footprint than the foundation would if it were in direct contact with the earth.
- The footer div is the only container I have for the footer as it is outside of the page wrapper. so if I put the width: 800px; in the #footer then the footer doesn't expand all the way along the bottom of the screen which I want it to.