
IPA: fˈʊtɫʌs


  • Without feet.
  • (colloquial) Clumsy or inept.

Examples of "footless" in Sentences

  • But time and again, she was told footless panty hose was simply a bad idea.
  • No wonder dancers always wore "footless tights," which became today's leggings.
  • With a little hard work and a lot of time, a headless, footless and handless body soon stood in my apartment.
  • Sara Blakely, founder of Spanx, bucked conventional wisdom when she approached hosiery mills with the idea of manufacturing footless pantyhose.
  • What Larry now did, as he got into the taxi, he would have called footless and foolhardy an hour before, and at any other hour his judgment might have restrained him.
  • (a) what is simply without some power, but also (b) what is adapted by nature to have it but has not it or has it only in a very low degree, as when we say that a species of swallow is 'footless' or that
  • Now that is just the kind of delight in the senses that scares those who would control the contours of pleasure, and those who feel footless, out of control when such pleasure -- not its simulation -- wells up.
  • Aristotle's approach to the subject is to ask "why some animals are footless, others bipeds, others quadrupeds, others polypods, and why all have an even number of feet, if they have feet at all; why in fine the points on which progression depends are even in number."

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