
IPA: fˈʊtstɛp


  • The mark or impression left by a foot; a track.
  • (by extension, sometimes figurative) The indications or waypoints of a course or direction taken.
  • The sound made by walking, running etc.
  • A step, as in a stair.
  • The distance between one foot and the next when walking; a pace.
  • The act of taking a step.
  • (obsolete) An inclined plane under a hand printing press.

Examples of "footstep" in Sentences

  • And another noise, like a footstep clop, footstep clop.
  • [ "Ah! faint are her limbs, and her footstep is weary,"] 5.
  • Quoting from that report, Fear harries his every footstep, caution muffles his words.
  • Jimmy's first emotion on hearing the footstep was the crude instinct of self-preservation.
  • My steps crunch over the hard-packed snow that covers the drive, unmarred by a single footstep.
  • He notes that, ‘A series of footsteps, for instance, can form a single experienced event, despite the fact that each footstep is a separate sound.’
  • And we urge that the smart KDP members will follow their footstep and together we can over though the leadership and build a functional government that is for all citizens not just the three mafia families.
  • What it signifies I cannot conjecture, except it had some reference to a certain legend of a bloody footstep, which is currently told, and some token of which yet remains on one of the thresholds of the ancient mansion-house. "
  • Of course, William would come home as usual; and yet, though the sound of his footstep was the one sound she had listened for all day, Dora would immediately begin to petrify again, and when he would approach her with open arms, asking her to forgive and forget the morning, she would demur just long enough to set him alight again.

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