IPA: fˈʊtstˈuɫ
- A low stool for supporting the feet while seated.
- (figurative) Anything trodden upon or treated as subservient.
Examples of "footstool" in Sentences
- The ark is called his footstool, because it was under the mercy-seat, Ps. cxxxii.
- What is under the feet is called a footstool, in Greek uποπoδιον, in Latin Scabellum or Suppedaneum.
- At her footstool are her suppliants, the men and women and little children of the city she has saved.
- His footstool is a tiger's head, and the uniforms of his infantry are a sort of imitation of a tiger's stripes.
- A golden footstool is mentioned (2Ch 9: 18) as attached to this throne, whose magnificence is described as unrivalled.
- Her footstool was the hearts of men, and upon it she set hard her beautiful feet, indifferent to the anguish caused by her capricious tyranny.
- The footstool was the right size for a table with a fringed napkin for a tablecloth; and Adelaide had her own little set of dishes, white with a moss-rose pattern.
- Theological Science: and Morality, to which we omitted before to assign an office, we have stationed somewhere beneath the footstool, which is before the Throne, of the Most High.
- Grievously sinful indeed it was and is to swear by heaven, which is the abode of God; or by earth, which is His creation and by Him called His footstool; or by Jerusalem, which was regarded by those who swore as the city of the great King; or by one's own head, which is part of the body God has created.