
IPA: fˈɔrsfʌɫi


  • With either physical or coercive force; in a forceful manner; vigorously; powerfully.

Examples of "forcefully" in Sentences

  • Look, this point that Obama should be projecting power more forcefully is absurd.
  • Wexler was the one with great courage who took the baton and called forcefully for hearings!
  • For instance, polls suggest public support for some blurring of the church-state divide: many Americans think that God has been ejected too forcefully from the public square.
  • For the first time, protesters were calling forcefully Wednesday for labor strikes, despite a warning by Suleiman that calls for civil disobedience are "very dangerous for society and we can't put up with this at all."
  • SPECTER: Well, I say that the president might well have asked Arafat last Thursday to make the finite statement we've all been looking for for a long time, that is, to say in Arabic forcefully and emphatically that the suicide bombers should stop the suicide bombing.
  • 109 However, even while emphasizing their autonomy these women represented this moment of their life in forcefully collective terms, something they accomplished as a cohort or community of friends relying on shared opinions about which names were sufficiently "beautiful" to adopt.
  • You have only to read the early American and British paeans to the successes of fascism in forcefully rebuilding and lifting Italy and Germany out of the Depression to realize how broadly seductive were the themes of a benevolent dictatorship of the intellectual and cultural elite.
  • Gary Locke chiming in forcefully for the first time, Democrats yesterday called on Republican Dino Rossi to drop the legal challenge to his defeat in the 2004 governor's election -- a "frivolous" lawsuit that the Democrats say Rossi will lose even under his proposal for recalculating the result.
  • Peres took note of other, similar facts and if he can be faulted in anyway whatsoever it might be in the fact he raised his voice more than needed at times, though beyond that he was quite eloquent, speaking to the history forcefully, which is precisely what was needed at that point, in that environment.

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