IPA: fˈɔrfɑðɝ
- ancestor
- cultural ancestor; one who originated an idea or tradition.
Examples of "forefather" in Sentences
- Giotto, the man described as the forefather of the Renaissance movement.
- 'I am a Sac,' said I; 'my forefather was a Sac; and all the nation call me a Sac.'
- The "forefather" of these boats was Johnny Morris with his Bass Pro Tracker package models.
- I am a "forefather" myself (for I have six children), but I am not the son of a forefather.
- Unknown to us, at time we were deliberating over him, the man famously called the forefather of the City Fiction’ had passed on.
- They have a tradition that their forefather was a man of the name of Shayg (شايق), whose four sons gave origin to their principal tribes.
- Take, for example, the fact that while Lovecraft is usually described as a forefather of modern horror fiction, his stories are, to put it bluntly, not very scary.
- Mr Brok, who used to be Mr Wolski's predecessor as the chairman of the foreign affairs committee, was presented as a "forefather" of the Eastern Partnership, as he championed a similar idea three years ago, called the "Neighbourhood Policy Plus" for the same group of countries.